What do you do to be seen? There is no problem doing things to be seen if GOD is the one that you want to be seen by and not by man. The problem is when it is YOU who is the one that you want to be seen. In religion, many are doing things to be seen by man, promoted by man, and affirmed by man. I have seen many falling away because they have NOT gotten the recognition from men, and some falling away because they are looking for the praise and promotion of man. But spiritual men and women can see the hidden agenda and can see the heart of man. So they will not feed that hunger for the praise of man.

Everything we live and do is for what? For the kingdom of God and not for the glory of men. What is the reward of your Father which is in heaven? No reward if you are doing it to be seen by men. That clap, that pat on the back, will never come from God but from men. God says, “That will be your reward.” The praise of men and the praise of God are two different things. You cannot do things for both – God and men – at the same time.

Read Matthew 6:1-4.

Praise of God, you can’t see it until it is manifested. You will see the fruit of it when you don’t even expect to. “Nobody sees me!” you said. Who cares? God sees you. But you are always seeking affirmation in the flesh. This is how we get messed up. This is why so many fly the coop. You say, “I am wasting my time serving.” You never waste a second if you are doing it unto the Lord.

If you keep doing things to be seen by Him, He will promote you. But you cannot deceive God, He sees through it all. Because we can’t see Him, we think He cannot see us, and we end up not pleasing Him. Because only faith pleases Him. When you do your alms, your good deeds, don’t blow the trumpet. Don’t let the left hand know what the right hand is doing and God will reward you openly. He is no respecter of persons. Do you believe that? Your works will show your faith.

What are you doing to be seen? You are not going to get a reward from God. Wrong reasons can’t ever get affirmation from God. If you are the toe or the ear, it doesn’t matter. God will reward you if your motives are Him and His kingdom.

Read Psalms 75:4-7.

Promotion comes not from the East, West, or South but from God. He puts down one and sets the other up! Some people can never be put up because they can never go down. People don’t know the difference between pride and boldness. God never exalts the proud. Only God knows the heart of the righteous. Many see God’s children as peasants in their field. God cannot stand that. Their names are always called in the market place. All they do is to be seen. If you serve to be great or to be seen, you are not the servant at all.

Read Mathew 23:5-12.

Read Colossians 3.

Carnal Christians desire carnal rewards. Set your affections, your desire, on things above. You are dead and your life is hidden in Christ. Why do you worry about being seen if you are hidden in Him? God always sees His son.

So many are not in Him but they act like they are, but they are not. They are full of inordinate affections, earthly affections. Heavenly affections will help you to love. How do you love? Walk in the Spirit and this fruit of the Spirit will be manifested: love. When you do things for an audience of one, then He will reward you accordingly to your deeds.

Heaven is watching everything. Don’t sing, don’t do anything, without the deep, sincere desire to be seen by God. Worshippers always want to be seen by Him. In word and in deed, everything they do, they do in the name of the Lord. NO eye service! But singleness of heart, fearing God. Eye service to men does not please God. Whether in His house or at work, no matter – the Bible tells us how to be promoted and blessed by God.

Whatever you do, wherever you are, do unto the Lord. Your heart and your intentions are of more value than your actions. Don’t you want to be caught doing good? Do good even when nobody sees you. Don’t show up and show off! Just do it all for the glory of God.

God is always looking to bless His people. When you work for men, your effort is never going to be worthy. God is always giving raises, promotions, and increases. You want to be seen by whom? By God or men? Who are you doing it for? Do everything to be seen by God! All the time! Sometimes it is hard to hear God’s voice because all you want is to hear is man’s voice and the praise of man. The whole engine of the kingdom of God is the heart.

Read Ephesians 6:1-6.

By honoring your father and mother even when they are not present – this is how you honor them. We have a Father that is always present. But a carnal mind will forget it. What do you do to be seen by God? Honor brings longevity of life. Do the will of God from your heart! Many people are doing what they are supposed to do but they are not doing as unto the Lord. In your heart, you are doing it. You are doing it because men can see you but God sees that you, in your heart, are not doing it for Him. You are seen by God but men may not see you. God has X-RAY vision. He knows the thoughts and the intentions of the heart.

Carnal churches run by men only see from the outside – facades. David was doing all with his heart. He was not, “Hey, look at me here taking care of the sheep.” He was just happy to be with God, and Samuel came and poured the whole horn of oil over his head. David was seen by God! David was not seen by his earthly father or his brothers. In their eyes, Samuel missed it. They were confounded.

Acclamation from men. Do you need it? This is all from men to men. It is all about their kingdom. Keep your title and certificate and I will keep my anointing. The highest title you can get is called “son”. Why would you go for a lesser name than a “son” and go for a place for the greater according to men and titles? God did not say about Jesus, “This is my great apostle, my great king of kings,” but when Jesus Christ was on Earth, even before the time was fulfilled and all His purpose was unveiled, God said about Him: “This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.” Here is the full horn of the anointing above all your brethren. Wow! Talking about the praise of God! Look at what happened: men hated Him, but God adored Him. When God broke into time with that audible voice, God had already known it was finished because He was the beginning and the end.

Miracles don’t come from a title but from being seen by God. What we do, is it to impress God or men? I have seen the kingdom; why should I care about what men say. Live for those eyes – the eyes of Him.

What can a promotion given by your pastor do? What can reward from men do for you? Carnal affections will make you desire to be seen by men. Men are here today and gone tomorrow, but God is here forever!

Jesus knew who He was, His purpose. Today, people seek reaffirmation, to be seen by men. But the kingdom of God is not by observation. Not by what you are doing but by why are you doing it! What we do on the inside, God will see it on the outside.

Read Luke 17:20-25.

“When the kingdom of God should come?” The kingdom of God is within you. Don’t do anything for that which is around you but within you! Let go of earthly affections. Walking on the water really reaffirmed Peter on that day. How much more do you need? We must get our mind in line with the heart of God within. There is nothing we can change that has been written.

Read John 6:26-27.

Jesus said, “Behold, your reward is with Him,” not with men. But with Him! Many people, just like the Pharisees, believed Him, but they don’t confess Him because they would have been put out of the synagogues (or churches). They love the praise of men more than the praise of God! Praise of men! To be seen by men! They do things from the outside, eye service. We should do things from the inside to the outside. The audience of one! Do all, in secret, for that one! Let your inside get outside and you will be seen by God! Single heart, single mind, as unto the Lord. Let our desire be to be seen by God, by the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God like a mustard seed, always unseen, so small, but always expanding! God, deliver us from religiosity so we can see your kingdom come, in all we do by words or deeds, let us all be seen by God. Shane Roessiger




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