Have It Your Way

If we really want Him to have it His way, we shall not live by bread alone. We shall not run after our own way, or what we want. We shall not live by what we want but by the will of our Father. We can preach a message from the Lord and people can hear something so differently because they have selective ears, but hear what the Spirit is saying, not what man says or what man wants to hear, but the Spirit. Ears to hear and itching ears. Itching ears are for those who want to hear what they want to hear. Sometimes we even try to find a “church” by what we like to hear, and we start selecting it by things that the flesh really wants: kids’ activities, social works, the mild approach, the location, even by our family tradition.

 The time is now when they are not enduring sound doctrine. Are you enduring it? Or you want to hear what you want to hear. Jesus is the way. The Truth. The life. If you don’t want to hear the Truth, you don’t want to hear what Jesus has to say. Satan, the tempter, will tell you things that you want to hear, things that will fulfill your own lust, things that will give us a false direction.

 The time is coming, but it is now! There is a teacher out that to teach you anything you want. You will find one. Paul was addressing the Bride, the Church about it. Do you know if what is being said is from which mouth? God’s or man’s? There is out there even itching ears Bible. Many versions. People want to hear what they want to hear, and many are using the Bible to back up their own will, taking scriptures out and changing the entire context, changing the heart of the Word. Is this your case?

 The Gospel of the end-times is not for those with itching ears. There is a doctrine in many congregations that is not from Him. There is a will, a plan that is not from Him. If you are speaking anything that is not proceeding out of God’s mouth then it is proceeding out of Satan’s or man’s. Life and death is in the power of your tongue: Life if what you are speaking proceeds out of His mouth. Death if what you are speaking proceeds out of your own mouth. There is true. There is false. There is death. There is life. There is nothing in between.

 Satan tries to make you your own God, to make you desire to have an itching ear and to be filled with words that you want to hear. God wants us to love the Truth (His son); if you love the Truth (His son), you will have ears to hear. Don’t live by bread alone or by what you want but live by every Word that proceeds out of His mouth. What is proceeding out of His mouth today for you? Do you have ears to hear?

 Some people say, “I don’t hear God.” You may have, but you may not have liked what He said. Sometimes we let go for so long and God already has said, “Turn around,” so many times, but you were listening to your favorite song (flesh/your own desires) when the Spirit was speaking to you, actually, very loud!  Beware of anything anti-His will! Are you ready to have ears to hear Him? He always says for those who have ears to hear. He has given us ears, but what kind of ears do you have? Remember: There are only two kinds of ears in the Bible: One that hears. One that itches. Which one is yours?

References in the Word: Matthew 4, 2 Peter 1, 2 Timothy, Hebrews 13, Revelation 2:14

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